Asli Erdogan, sa lettre de prison
Chers amis, collègues, journalistes, et membres de la presse, Je vous écris cette lettre depuis la prison de Bakırköy, au lendemain de l'opération policière à l'encontre du journal Cumhuriyet, un des...
View ArticleAslı Erdogan derhal serbest bırakılsın
Sevgili dostlar, meslektaşlar, gazeteciler ve basın üyeleri, Bu mektubu size en eski gazetelerden biri ve Sosyal Demokratların sesi olan Cumhuriyet gazetesinin polis operasyonuna maruz kalmasından bir...
View ArticleBarrett Brown Released From Prison
Anonymous Hacktivist 'Barrett Brown' Released From Prison. Barrett Brown, a journalist, formerly served as an unofficial spokesman for the hacktivist collective Anonymous, finally walked free from...
View ArticleMatt DeHart - Official Christmas Letter from prison
Hio, This is actually my first official Christmas letter, which means i'm getting old... Not that i look down on getting old or anything. I do hope that writing this is somewhat cathartic because...
View ArticleThe Redhack leak - Turkey Isis oil trade
WikiLeaks - Berat's Box: email cache proves Turkish oil minister's links to Isis oil trade. Monday 5 December 2016, WikiLeaks has released an authoritative, searchable archive of 57,934 emails from the...
View ArticleRedhack WikiLeaks - Berat'ın Kutusu
Bugün, 5 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi, WikiLeaks Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın damadı, Enerji Bakanı Berat Albayrak'ın kişisel email adreslerinden, 57.934 adet emailin bulunduğu arama yapılabilir şekilde...
View ArticleKloud - Six mois de prison avec sursis
TGI de Paris « Opération GreenRight » Jugement du 28 septembre 2016. « Kloud » a finalement été condamnéà six mois de prison avec sursis et à 29 000 euros de dommages et intérêts pour avoir participéà...
View ArticleMatt DeHart - Ma lettre pour Noël depuis la prison
Bonjour, c'est en réalité ma première lettre officielle de Noël, ce qui signifie que je deviens vieux... Non pas que je regarde de haut la vieillesse ou quoi que ce soit. J'espère vraiment qu'écrire...
View ArticleAnonUK Radio - Free Martin Gottesfeld
AnonUK Radio Replay - t0pG3ar Live - Global internet activist conversation. Guest: Dana Gottesfeld, Marty's wife. A Statement From Marty Gottesfeld. In the spring of 2014, the hacker collective...
View ArticleStories of resistance with Gianluca Costantini
Gianluca Costantini “Everything is art, everything is political.” Gianluca Costantini (Ravenna, 1971) has exhibited in a number of museums and galleries abroad: the Lazarides Gallery, London (2009),...
View ArticleHistoires de résistance avec Gianluca Costantini
Gianluca Costantini « Tout est Art, tout est politique. » Gianluca Costantini est un dessinateur, un artiste visuel. Il est né en 1971 à Ravenna. Il enseigne l'art de la bande dessinée à l'Académie des...
View ArticleGianluca Costantini - Un anno di channeldraw
Un anno di channeldraw 2016. Questo 2016 è stato una anno entusiasmante per il mio lavoro e ti ringrazio se sei stato parte di tutto questo sia come collaboratore, oppure come spettatore. Vorrei in...
View ArticleAnonUK Radio - Stanley Cohen
AnonUK Radio Replay - t0pG3ar Live - Global internet activist conversation.Stanley Cohen is long time social justice attorney and activist. Stanley Cohen is a US-based attorney and human rights...
View ArticlePétition de soutien à Julian Assange
Signez la pétition pour mettre fin à l'isolement de Julian Assange ! Nous exigeons que l'isolement de Julian Assange se termine MAINTENANT ! C'est avec beaucoup d'inquiétude que nous avons appris que...
View ArticleLa ZAD va continuer à résister et vivre
La situation actuelle à Notre Dame des Landes est à mon sens insupportable, au delà de la violence exercé par les militaires sous les ordres de l'état, c'est la campagne de désinformation globale...
View ArticleThe Armenian Genocide
Today we lament the beginning of the infamous Armenian Genocide (24th April 1915) in which 1.5 million Armenians died at the hands of Turkey's Ottoman regime. Force-marched to their deaths across...
View ArticleFreeanons is reorganizing
Official Twitter @freeanons We are happy to announce that we have begun restoring With the generous support and encouragement of many community members, Freeanons is reorganizing. We are...
View ArticleThe Law Report on ABC RN - Lauri Love
Lauri Love is interviewed on ABC's Law Report with Erica Vowles. Guests: Dr Ian Warren, Dr Rowan Nicholson, Lauri Love. Australian national radio's Law Report features Lauri Love. Lauri Love is...
View ArticleLes filles du soleil
Un film d'Eva Husson avec Golshifteh Farahani et Emmanuelle Bercot. - Durée : 115 min. Au Kurdistan, Bahar, commandante du bataillon « Les Filles du Soleil », se prépare à libérer sa ville des mains...
View ArticleGirls of the Sun
A story of resistance and sisterhood. A fight for hope. This film is a unique tribute to those women. Director: Eva Husson - Cast: Golshifteh Farahani, Emmanuelle Bercot. Somewhere in Kurdistan, not...
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